Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Seattle movement to divest from War on Palestine, War on Iraq, War on Iran:

In Seattle, thousands have already petitioned to stop investing in the occupation of Palestine, the occupation of Iraq, and any war on Iran:

"Activists seek divestment linked to Iraq"

April 10, 2008, 10:13 PM

Full article on the Web at:


"...In a stance against apartheid, the city and the University of Washington had policies years ago against owning stock in companies that did business in South Africa.

"The latest proposal would prohibit the city from investing employees' retirement funds in corporations that participate in or profit from the U.S. occupation of Iraq or the Israeli government's activities within the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

"Also disqualified would be corporations with a presence in Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. Finally, the measure would require the city to divest from Israeli government bonds should Israel launch a military attack on Iran..."


The divestment petition, as of May 16, 2008, is below, and is on the Web at:


Just click to make the picture larger.
Just click to make the picture larger.


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